Chapters 4-6,8 Review

Fred Agbo

April 26, 2024


  • Project 5 is due on Monday April 29th.
  • Final exam is Monday 6th/Tuesday 7th May at 2pm - 5pm
    • Venue is this same hall
    • More about the final on Monday next week
    • For those concerned, arrange with testing center ASAP & cc me
    • Arrange to take the exam within that same week of May 7th
  • Course Evaluation, thanks to those that filled it out already
    • If not yet, kindly seearch your email box for a message from Kelley Strawn
  • Polling:

Understanding Check

def f(x,y):
    return x**2 + y

def g(z,n):
    x = 2
    for i in range(n):
        x += z(i,n)
    return x


What value will be printed to the screen when the code to the left is run?

  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 7
  4. This will give an error

CH-4: The Portable Graphics Library

  • Built atop Tkinter
  • The library ( is available on the Canvas website here
    • Put it in the same folder as your code, and then you can import it
  • Operates on the idea of a collage or cork-board
  • Note that newer objects can obscure older objects. This layering arrangement is called the stacking order.
  • The window (or felt-board/cork-board)
    • Created with the GWindow function
    • Takes two arguments: a width and a height in pixels

Other Simple Objects

Functions to create simple geometric objects:

  • Rectangles!
    • GRect( x, y, width, height )
    • Creates a rectangle whose upper left corner is at (x,y) of the specified size
  • Circles/Ovals!
    • GOval( x, y, width, height )
    • Creates an oval that fits inside the rectangle with the same dimensions
    • Placement based on the upper left corner of that enclosing rectangle
  • Lines!
    • GLine( x1, y1, x2, y2 )
    • Creates a line extending from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2)

The GObject Hierarchy

  • The types of graphical objects form a hierarchy:

image/svg+xml GObject GFillableObject GLine GRect GOval GLabel

  • The GObject class represents the collection of all graphical objects
  • The GFillableObject class represents those that have a fillable interior

Interacting with the GWindow

  • We’ve already shown creation:
gw = GWindow(width, height)
  • You have several more operations that you can apply to the GWindow object:
gw.add(object) Adds an object to the window
gw.add(object, x, y) Adds an object to the window after moving it to (x,y)
gw.remove(object) Removes an object from the window
gw.get_width() Returns the width of the graphics window in pixels
gw.get_height() Returns the height of the graphics window in pixels

Interacting with GObjects

  • The following operations apply to all GObjects, where object is the name of any specific instance.
object.get_x() Returns the x coordinate of this object
object.get_y() Returns the y coordinate of this object
object.get_width() Returns the width of this object
object.get_height() Returns the height of this object
object.set_color(color) Sets the color of the object to the specified color
  • All coordinates and distances are measured in pixels

Interacting with GFillableObjects

  • Fillable GObjects have a smaller subset of commands that also apply to them.
  • Initially the only fillable objects available to you are rectangles and ovals
object.set_filled(bool) Sets the fill state of the object
object.set_fill_color(color) Sets the color to be used to fill the interior, otherwise same as the outer line
object.get_fill_color() Gets the current color used to display the object interior
object.is_filled() Returns True or False depending on whether the object is currently filled

Ch-5: Summary of a Function Call & Scoping

  1. Evaluate the arguments in the context of the caller
  2. Reserve space for the function in a new stack frame
  3. Copy each positional argument to the corresponding parameter variable
  4. Copy each keyword argument to the parameter with that name
  5. For parameters with default values, if not already assigned, assign those values
  6. Evaluate statements in the function body, using current stack frame to look up values of local variables
  7. On encountering a return, compute the return value and substitute that value in place of the function call
  8. Remove the stack frame
  9. Return to the caller, continuing from just after the function call

Name Resolution and Scope

  • When Python encounters a variable name in a program, it looks for where the variable was defined in an expanding search:
    1. Local - The local context is all the variables defined within the current function. This includes variables appearing as a parameter!
    2. Enclosing - The enclosing context consists of the names defined in a function enclosing the current one.
    3. Global - The global context consists of names defined outside of any function or imported into the current module.
    4. Built-in - The last place Python looks is in the names of any built-in functions, like abs, str, print, etc.
  • The part of a program in which a name is defined in called its scope

First Class Functions

  • Functions in Python are treated as data values just like anything else!
    • We will need to take advantage of this to write listener functions.
  • You can assign a function to a variable, pass it as a parameter, return it as a result, etc
  • Functions treated like any other data value are called first-class functions
  • To work with a function itself, you leave off the (). Including the parentheses is how you call the function!

CH-6:Interactive Example

  • Consider the simple program below, where we’ve imported the basics and some of our helper functions

    def draw_dots():
        def click_action(event):
            c = create_filled_rect(
                event.get_x(), event.get_y(), 
                10,10, random_color())
        gw = GWindow(500, 500)
        gw.add_event_listener("click", click_action)
  • The click_action function specifies what to do when the mouse is clicked

    • Note that it has access to the gw variable since it is in the enclosing function and thus in the closure.

Registering a Listener

  • The last line of our example function:

    gw.add_event_listener("click", click_action)

    tells the graphics window (gw) to call the click_action function whenever a mouse “click” occurs within the window.

  • When the user clicks the mouse, the graphics window, in essense, calls the client back to let them know that a click has occured. Thus, functions such as click_action are known as callback functions.

  • The parameter event given to the callback function is a special data structure called a mouse event, which contains details about the specifics of the event that triggered the action.

Types of Events

Name Description
"click" The user clicks the mouse in the window
"dblclk" The user double-clicks the mouse in the window
"mousedown" The user presses the mouse button down
"mouseup" The user releases the mouse button
"mousemove" The user moves the mouse
"drag" The user moves the mouse with the button down

More Graphics Object: Fillable Arcs

  • The GArc class is a GFillableObject, and so you can call .set_filled() on a GArc object
  • Filled like a pie-shaped wedge formed between the center of the bounding box and the starting and end points of the arc
def filled_arc():
    gw = GWindow(400, 400)
    arc = GArc(50, 50, 
               350, 350, 
               90, 135)

The GPolygon class

  • Used to represent graphical objects bounded by line segments
    • Polygons consist of several vertices bounded by edges
  • Location not fixed in upper left, but at some convenient reference point
  • Often a convenient reference point is near the center of the object, but it doesn’t need to be
  • GPolygons are GFillableObjects, so they can be filled

Polygonal Construction

  • The GPolygon function creates an empty polygon, to which you then can add vertexes
  • Can create a vertex by calling .add_vertex(x,y) on the GPolygon object
    • x and y measured relative to the reference point
  • Vertexes past the first can be defined in a few ways:
    • .add_vertex(x,y) adds another new vertex relative to the reference point
    • .add_edge(dx,dy) adds a new vertex relative to the preceding vertex
    • .add_polar_edge(r, theta) adds a new vertex relative to the previous using polar coordinates

Ch-8: Arrays and Lists

  • From the earliest days, programming languages have supported the idea of an array, or an ordered sequence of values.
  • Individual values in an array are called elements, and the number of elements is the length of the array.
  • Each element’s position in the array is given by its index, with index numbers starting at 0 and extending up to 1 less than the length of the array
  • Python implements the array concept in a bit more general form called a list.


  • The most important difference between strings and lists is one of mutability
    • Strings we have already identified as being immutable: you can not change the individual elements
    • Lists, in contrast, are mutable, which means that we can change or assign new values to the elements of a list
  • Immutable objects have many advantages in programming:
    • You don’t have to worry about if the values will change
    • Immutable values can be more easily shared
    • Immutable objects are easier to use with concurrent programs
  • In some situations though, mutable objects are the perfect tool for the job

For Reference

  • When working with mutable objects, it is better to think of the variable as holding a reference to the object, rather than the actual contents of the object
  • I find it useful to think of a reference as the “address” in memory where that object’s contents can be found
  • This undeniably complicates things, as referencing a mutable object lets you change it, which will immediately be reflected in anything else that referenced that object
  • Mutable objects can be terrific to work with, as their mutability makes them very flexible, but be wary of unexpected behavior

Lists as Arguments

  • When you pass a list as an argument to a function or return a list as a result, only the reference to the list is actually passed back and forth
  • This means that the elements of the list are effectively shared between the function and the caller
    • Changes that the function makes to the elements will persist after the function returns
  • Example of reversing a list in PythonTutor: here


  • What can we do in these sorts of instances to not let mutability trip us up?
  • Clone the list instead of just assigning a reference
    • Creates a new object in memory
  • Several ways you can make a shallow clone (in code)
    • Using the .copy() list method
    • Any slice always returns a new object
    • Using the list() function will return a new object

Common Useful List Methods

Method Description
list.copy() Returns a new list whose elements are the same as the original
list.append(value) Adds value to the end of the list
list.insert(idx, val) Inserts val before the specified idx
list.remove(value) Removes the first instance of value from the list, or errors
list.reverse() Reverses the order of the elements in the list
list.sort() Sorts the elements of the list. Can take an optional argument key to specify how to sort

Lists Comprehension

  • The simplest list comprehension syntax is:

    [ expression iterator ]

    where expression is any Python expression and iterator is a for loop header

  • The iterator component can be followed by any number of additional modifiers

    • More for loop headers for nested loops
    • or if statements to select specific values
  • Example: all even numbers to 20 not also visible by 3

    [i for i in range(0,20,2) if i % 3 != 0]

Multidimensional Arrays

  • We know that elements of a list can be lists in and of themselves. If the lengths of all the lists making up the elements of a list remain fixed, then the list of lists is called a multidimensional array

  • In Python, we can create multidimensional arrays just by creating lists of constant length as the elements to another list

    magic = [ [2, 9, 4], [7, 5, 3], [6, 1, 8] ]
  • We can always get the individual element of one of the inner lists by using 2 indices.

    • magic[1][1] = 5
    • magic[-1][0] = 6

Picturing Multidimensional Arrays

  • Multidimensional arrays are commonly pictured as each inner list being stacked beneath the previous
  • In such a representation, the outermost/first elements/indices represent the row, and the inner/second elements/indices represent the column

[ [2, 9, 4], [7, 5, 3], [6, 1, 8] ]


  • Programs often need to work with collections of data that are too large to reasonably exist typed all out in the code
    • Easier to read in the values of a list from some external data file
  • A file is the generic name for any named collection of data maintained on some permanent storage media attached to a computer
  • Files can contain information encoded in many different ways
    • Most common is the text file
    • Contains character data like you’d find in a string

Strings vs Text Files

  • While strings and text files both store characters, there are some important differences:
    • The longevity of the data stored
      • The value of a string variable lasts only as long as the string exists, is not overridden, or is not thrown out when a function completes
      • Information in a text file exists until the file is deleted
    • How data is read in
      • You have access to all the characters in a string variable pretty much immediately
      • Data from text files is generally read in sequentially, starting from the beginning and proceeding until the end of the file is reached

Reading Text Files

  • The general approach for reading a text file is to first open the file and associate that file with a variable, commonly called its file handle

  • We will also use the with keyword to ensure that Python cleans up after itself (closes the file) when we are done with it (Many of us could use a with irl)

    with open(filename) as file_handle:
      # Code to read the file using the file_handle
  • Python gives you several ways to actually read in the data

    • read reads the entire file in as a string
    • readline or readlines reads a single line or lines from the file
    • read alongside splitlines gets you a list of line strings
    • Can use the file handle as an iterator to loop over

Entire file ⟶ String

  • The read method reads the entire file into a string, with includes newline characters (\n) to mark the end of lines

  • Simple, but can be cumbersome to work with the newline characters, and, for large files, it can take a large amount of memory

  • As an example, the file:

    One fish
    two fish
    red fish
    blue fish

    would get read as

"One fish\ntwo fish\nred fish\nblue fish"

Line by Line

  • Of the ways to read the file in a string at a time, using the file handler as an iterator and looping is probably best and certainly most flexible

  • Leads to code that looks like:

    with open(filename) as f:
        for line in f:
            # Do something with the line
  • Note that most strategies preserve the newline character, which you very likely do not want, so be ready to strip them out before doing more processing

Powers Combined

  • So long as your files are not gigantic, using read and then the splitlines method can be a good option

  • This does remove the newline characters, since it splits the string at them

    with open(filename) as f:
        lines =
    # Then you can do whatever you want with the list of lines
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