Chapters 1-3,7 Review

Fred Agbo

April 24, 2024


  • Project 5 is due on Monday April 29th.
  • Final exam is Monday 6th May at 2pm - 5pm
    • Venue is this same hall
    • More about the final on Monday next week
    • For those concerned, arrange with testing center ASAP & cc me
    • Arrange to take the exam within that same week of May 7th
  • Course Evaluation, email from Kelley Strawn is sent to everyone
    • 15 minutes is reserved today to fill out the form.

Review Question

  • Consider this Bubble Sort algorithm implementation. What is it’s asymptotic time complexity?
def bubbleSort(arr):
    n = len(arr)
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(0, n-i-1):
            if arr[j] > arr[j+1]:
                arr[j], arr[j+1] = arr[j+1], arr[j]
    return arr
test_array = [64, 34, 25, 12, 22, 11, 90]
sorted_array = bubbleSort(test_array)
print("Sorted array:", sorted_array)
  1. O(n)
  2. O(n2)
  3. O(nlog2n)
  4. O(n3)

CH-1: Data Types

  • Generally, the data processed by computers can take on many forms
  • A data type defines the common characteristics of some data values that have a certain form or purpose.
    • Ex: a whole number or integer has certain characteristics common to all integers
  • A data type has a domain, which is the set of all potential values that would belong to that type.
    • Ex: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,…
  • A data type has a set of operations that define how those values can be manipulated
    • Ex: You can add two whole numbers (5+2)

Example of question

  • In the below expressions, what type of object would be the value of the expression?
7 / 3 >= 2 and not ord("A") > ord("Z") or 13 % 0 == 2

Writing your own functions

  • The general form of a function definition looks like:

    def name(parameter_list):
        #statements in function body
    • name is your chosen name for the function
    • parameter_list is a comma-separated list of variable names that will hold each input value
  • You can return or output a value from the function by including a return statement in the function body

    return expression
    • expression is the value you want to return or output
    • If no return statement is included, Python will by default return None

Built-in functions

  • All modern languages include a collection of pre-defined functions for convenience
  • In Python, common build-in functions that operate on numbers include:
Function Description
abs(x) The absolute value of x
max(x,y,...) The largest of all the arguments
min(x,y,...) The smallest of all the arguments
round(x) The value of x rounded to the nearest integer
int(x) The value of x truncated to an integer
float(x) The value of x as a decimal
  • Other examples such as print(), input()

CH-2: Boolean Expressions

  • Python defines two types of operators that work with Boolean data: relational operators and logical operators

  • Relational operators compare values of other types and produce a True/False result:

    == Equals != Not equals
    < Less than <= Less than or equal too
    > Greater than >= Greater than or equal to
  • Be careful! == compares two booleans. A single = assigns a variable.

Boolean Operators Precedence

  • Logical operators act on Boolean pairings

    Operator Description
    A and B True if both terms True, False otherwise
    A or B True if any term is True, False otherwise
    not A True if A False, False if A True (opposite)
  • Order of operations follows parentheses and then proceeds left to right

  • Careful that or is still True if both options are True

    • Similarly, careful with combining not with and and or
    • See the expressions below: True ==1 and False==0
    a,b,c= 2,True, False
    print(a + b)   # >>>3

Looping: The range() iterable

  • Need an easy way to produce or describe a range of numeric values
  • The built-in range() function handles this and produces the needed iterable object
  • Takes 1, 2, or 3 arguments:
    • Start (default 0): where to start the sequence at
    • Stop (mandatory): the sequence ends just below this value (does not include it!)
    • Step (default 1): what value the sequence counts by

Be careful, the range function will stop one step before the final stop value.

For ranging examples

  • Providing just a stop argument:

    for n in range(5):
  • Providing a start and stop:

    for n in range(1,11):
  • Providing a start, stop, and step:

    for n in range(10,0,-1):

CH-3: Creating your own Algorithms

  • Some useful hints to keep in mind when constructing your own algorithms:
    • Think about how you would solve the problem without a computer. You can’t write code if you don’t understand what you want the computer to do.
    • Computers are fast! Brute force methods are often very viable, or at least a good starting point.
    • Try to use tools and programming patterns you have already seen. It is often far easier to write programs by assembling pieces from code you have already seen than writing each program entirely from scratch.
      • Common patterns we have already seen include: looping over sequences, and using variables to track/control a loop
    • Recognize that the program you write is highly unlikely to work the first time
      • Errors can occasionally be in your algorithms
      • More often, early on, errors are in your translating of the algorithm into Python (the implementation)

Example: Greatest Factor

  • Suppose we wanted to write a function to compute the greatest factor of a provided number (not including the number itself)

  • Algorithm:

    • Brute force – check all smaller values to see if factor
    • Start at top and work down, means first found is the greatest
    • Check if factor by seeing if remainder 0
def greatest_factor(num):
    """Finds the greatest factor of a number."""
    for i in range(num-1,0,-1):
        if num % i == 0:
            return i

CH-7: Number Representation - Integers

  • The number of symbols available to count with determines the base of a number system
    • Decimal is base 10, as we have 10 symbols (0-9) to count with
      • Each new number counts for 10 times as much as the previous
    • Binary is base 2, as we only have 2 symbols (0 and 1) to count with
      • Each new number counts for twice as much as the previous
  • Can always determine what number a representation corresponds to by adding up the individual contributions

Specifying Bases

  • So the binary number 00101010 is equivalent to the decimal number 42
  • We distinguish by subsetting the bases: \[ 00101010_2 = 42_{10}\]
  • The number itself still is the same! All that changes is how we represent that number.
    • Numbers do not have bases – representations of numbers have bases

Other Bases

  • Binary is not a particularly compact representation to write out, so computer scientists will often use more compact representations as well
    • Octal (base 8) uses the digits 0 to 7
    • Hexadecimal (base 16) uses the digits 0 to 9 and then the letters A through F

  • Why octal or hexadecimal over our trusty old decimal system?
    • Both are powers of 2, so it makes it easy to convert back to decimal
      • 1 octal digit = 3 binary digit, 1 hex digit = 4 binary digit


  • A string in Python represents textual data, in form of a sequence of individual characters
    • Domain: all possible sequences of characters
    • Operations: Many! We saw some of them
  • Denoted by placing the desired sequence of characters between two quotation marks
    • 'I am a string'
    • In Python, either single or double quotes can be used, but the ends must match
      • "I am also a string!"
      • "I'm sad you've gone"


  • Both strings and lists are examples of a more general type called a sequence

  • Sequences are ordered, so we can number off their elements, which we call their index

    • Counting in Python always starts with 0, so the first element of the sequence has index 0
  • Python defines operations that work on all sequences

    • Selecting an individual element out of a sequence
    • Concatenating two sequences together
    • Determing the number of elements in a sequence


  • You can select or “pluck out” just a single element from a sequence using square brackets [ ]
    • There are no commas between these square brackets, so they can’t be confused with a list
    • The square brackets come after the sequence (or variable name representing a sequence)
    • Inside the square brackets, you place the index number of the element you want to select
>>> A = [2, 4, 6, 8]
>>> print(A[1])
>>> B = "Spaghetti"
>>> print(B[6])


  • Concatenation is the act of taking two separate objects and bringing them together to create a single object
  • For sequences, concatenation takes the contents of one sequence and add them to the end of another sequence
  • The + operator concatenates sequences
    • This is why it is important to keep track of your variable types! + will add two integers, but will concatenate two strings
    >>> 'fish' + 'sticks'
    >>> A = [1, 'fish']
    >>> B = [2, 'fish']
    >>> print(A + B)
    [1, 'fish', 2, 'fish']


  • The number of elements in a sequence is commonly called its length, and can be given by the len( ) function

  • Simply place the sequence you desire to know the length of between the parentheses:

    >>> len("spaghetti")
  • You can have sequences of 0 length as well!

    >>> A = ""
    >>> B = [ ]
    >>> print( len(A) + len(B) )

Representing Characters

  • We use numeric encodings to represent character data inside the machine, where each character is assigned an integer value.
  • Character codes are not very useful unless standardized though!
    • Competing encodings in the early years made it difficult to share data across machines
  • First widely adopted character encoding was ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)


image/svg+xml 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0x 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x 7x \0 \b \t \n \v \f \r ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~
The ASCII subset of Unicode

Meeting chr and ord

  • Python includes two build in functions to simplify conversion between an integer and the corresponding Unicode character
  • chr takes a base-10 integer and returns the corresponding Unicode character as a string
    • chr(65) gives "A" (capital A)
    • chr(960) gives "π" (Greek letter pi)
  • ord goes the other direction, taking a single character string and returning the corresponding base-10 integer of that character in Unicode
    • ord("B") gives 66
    • ord(" ") gives 32
    • ord("π") gives 960

String Slicing

  • Often, you may want more than a single character

  • Python allows you to specify a starting and an ending index through an operation known as slicing

  • The syntax looks like:

    string_variable[start : limit]

    where start is the first index to be included and everything up to but not including the limit is included

  • start and limit are actually optional (but the : is not)

    • If start omitted, the slice will begin at the start of the string
    • If limit omitted, the slice will proceed to the end of the string

String Dicing

  • Can add a third component to the slice syntax, called a stride

    string_variable[start : limit : stride]
  • Specifies how large the steps are between each included index

  • Can also make the stride negative to proceed backwards through a string

    >>> s = "spaghetti sauce"
    >>> s[4:8]
    >>> s[10:]
    >>> s[:10:2]

Repeat again?

  • We’ve already seen how we can use addition (+) in Python to concatenate strings
  • In math, adding something many times is the same as multiplying

\[5+5+5+5+5+5 = 6 \times 5\]

  • The same logic holds true for Python strings!
    • You multiply by a integer: the number of times you want the concatenation repeated
    • You can not multiply two strings together, Python will not understand what you are trying to do
    print("Betelguese, " * 3)

Comparing Strings

  • Python lets you use normal comparison operators to compare strings

    string1 == string2

    is true if string1 and string2 contain the same characters in the same order

  • Comparisons involving greater than or less than are done similar to alphabetical ordering

    • Start at the beginning and compare a character. If they are the same, then compare the next character, etc
  • All comparisons are done according to their Unicode values.

    • Called lexicographic ordering
    • "cat" > "CAT"

Can’t change a string’s colors

  • Strings are what we call immutable: they can not be modified in place by clients.

  • You can “look” at different parts of the string, but you can not “change” those parts without making a whole new string

    s = "Cats!"
    s[0] = "R"   # THIS WILL ERROR!!
  • You can of course create a new string object with the desired traits:

    s = "R" + s[1:]
  • This applies to all methods that act on strings as well: they return a new string, they do not modify the original

Methods to find string patterns

Method Description
string.find(pattern) Returns the first index of pattern in string, or -1 if it does not appear
string.find(pattern, k) Same as the one-argument version, but starts searching at index k
string.rfind(pattern) Returns the last index of pattern is string, or -1 if missing
string.rfind(pattern, k) Same as the one-argument version, but searches backwards from index k
string.startswith(prefix) Returns True if the string starts with prefix
string.endswith(suffix) Returns True if the string ends with suffix

Transforming Methods

Method Description
string.lower() Returns a copy of string with all letters converted to lowercase
string.upper() Returns a copy of string with all letters converted to uppercase
string.capitalize() Returns a copy of string with the first character capitalized and the rest lowercase
string.strip() Returns a copy of string with whitespace and non-printing characters removed from both ends
string.replace(old, new) Returns a copy of string with all instances of old replaced by new

Classifying Character Methods

Method Description
char.isalpha() Returns True if char is a letter
char.isdigit() Returns True if char is a digit
char.isalnum() Returns True if char is letter or a digit
char.islower() Returns True if char is a lowercase letter
char.isupper() Returns True if char is an uppercase letter
char.isspace() Returns True if char is a whitespace character (space, tab, or newline)
char.isidentifier() Returns True if char is a legal Python identifier
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