Arrays and Lists

Jed Rembold & Fred Agbo

February 28, 2024


  • Midterm Exam now on Friday this week.
  • Problem Set 4 is posted and will be due next week Tuesday at 10pm
  • Section Leaders are working on Project 1 feedback
  • TechByte talk tomorrow at 11:30 in Ford 102
    • I will be talking on Broadening Participation in Computing for Adults
  • Polling continues

Review Question

Which of the below blocks of code will create the image to the right? The window measures 500 x 200 pixels and the value of d is 150.

x, y = 250 - d / 2, 100 - d / 2
a1 = GArc(x, y, d, d, 90, -180)
x, y = 250 - d, 100 - d
a1 = GArc(x, y, d, d, -180, 90)
x, y = 250 - d / 2, 100 - d / 2
a1 = GArc(x, y, d, d, 90, 180)
x, y = 250 - d / 2, 100 - d / 2
a1 = GArc(x, y, d, 180, -90)

Arrays and Lists

  • From the earliest days, programming languages have supported the idea of an array, or an ordered sequence of values.
  • Individual values in an array are called elements, and the number of elements is the length of the array.
  • Each element’s position in the array is given by its index, with index numbers starting at 0 and extending up to 1 less than the length of the array
  • Python implements the array concept in a bit more general form called a list.

Reminder: Making Lists

  • Created using square brackets with elements separated by commas:

    COIN_VALUES = [1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100]
    COIN_NAMES = [ "penny", "nickle", "dime",
                   "quarter", "half-dollar", "dollar" ]
  • Lists are commonly represented visually or conceptually as a series of numbered boxes:

What we already know

  • Can retrieve the value of any element in a list by writing the index of that element in square brackets after the list name

    • COIN_VALUES[3]25
    • COIN_NAMES[2]"dime"
  • Can concatenate two lists to form a new list with elements from both

    • [1,2,3] + [4,5,6][1,2,3,4,5,6]
  • Can loop through each of the list elements in turn

    for elem in my_list:
      # do stuff with elem

    where elem is the name of the variable that will sequentially get assigned the value of every element in my_list


  • Sound familiar? Lists are just like more general strings!
  • Strings and lists are examples of a more general class of object in Python called sequences
  • We already knew that all sequences support:
    • The len function
    • Index numbering starting at 0
    • Concatenation using + or +=
    • Selection of an individual element using square brackets
    • Looping over elements
  • We can now add:
    • Negative index numbering counting backwards from the end
    • Slicing in all forms
    • Comparing sequences
    • Repetition using *
    • Inclusion testing using in operator

Understanding Check!

What would the below expression evaluate to?

[“One”, 2, True][-1:1:-1][1]
  1. "n"
  2. 2
  3. True
  4. None of the above, or this will error


  • The most important difference between strings and lists is one of mutability
    • Strings we have already identified as being immutable: you can not change the individual elements
    • Lists, in contrast, are mutable, which means that we can change or assign new values to the elements of a list
  • Immutable objects have many advantages in programming:
    • You don’t have to worry about if the values will change
    • Immutable values can be more easily shared
    • Immutable objects are easier to use with concurrent programs
  • In some situations though, mutable objects are the perfect tool for the job

A Tutorial on Lists

  • Thinking about mutable objects requires a shift in how we visualize our code interacting with the objects in memory
  • Link here
cool = ['blue', 'violet']
warm = ['red', 'orange']

colors = [cool, warm]
other_colors = [['blue', 'violet'],
                ['red', 'orange']]

print(colors == other_colors)
print(colors is other_colors)

cool[0] = 'indigo'
warm = ['orange', 'yellow']


For Reference

  • When working with mutable objects, it is better to think of the variable as holding a reference to the object, rather than the actual contents of the object
  • I find it useful to think of a reference as the “address” in memory where that object’s contents can be found
  • This undeniably complicates things, as referencing a mutable object lets you change it, which will immediately be reflected in anything else that referenced that object
  • Mutable objects can be terrific to work with, as their mutability makes them very flexible, but be wary of unexpected behavior

Project 2: Breakout!

  • Project 2 is recreating the classic arcade game Breakout!
  • Guide will be posted tomorrow, not due until March 12
  • Focus on the midterm initially, but then consider getting a start this weekend

Breakout History

  • The popular Breakout arcade game was released by Atari in 1976
  • Atari founder Nolan Bushnell wanted a new game that would build on the success of the earlier game Pong. He assigned Steve Jobs to develop the game, promising a bonus if the game required a small number of chips.
  • As Wikipedia tells the story, “Jobs had little specialized knowledge of circuit board design but knew [his friend Steve] Wozniak was capable of producing designs with a small number of chips. He convinced Wozniak to work with him, promising to split the fee evenly between them.”
  • Wozniak completed the game design in four days, but Jobs never told him about the bonus offer. Jobs was paid \(\$5,000\), but Wozniak received only \(\$350\).
  • Jobs and Wozniak co-founded Apple Computer the following year, which has grown to be the largest corporation in the world by market capitalization.

Breakout Basics

  • Breakout is a game in which the player attempts to break all the colored bricks by causing a bouncing ball to collide with them
  • The player controls a paddle at the bottom of the screen which the ball will bounce off
    • The paddle can only move left and right
  • If the ball makes it past the paddle to the bottom of the screen, the player loses a life
    • Lose 3 lives and it is game over!

Breakout Milestones

  • Breakout is broken up over 5 milestones
  • You have already seen or written pieces of similar code to many of the milestones!
    • Milestone 1: PS4 brick pyramid
    • Milestone 3: Section bouncy ball problem (this week)

Other Milestones

Check the desciption here

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