Windows & Clicky Clicky

Jed Rembold & Fred Agbo

February 21, 2024


  • Grading for PS3 is returned! Ask me questions if you’ve got one regarding it
  • We are in Ch6 of the text this week, which is interactive graphics
  • Remember the 1st midterm exam is this Friday Feb 23 in this hall
    • Test objectives and first practice questions were sent on Monday
    • Second practice questions will be opened today: Canvas demo, in-clase today!
    • Those with accommodations with Testing Center should contact them to make arrangement NOW! and cc me in the email
  • Polling continues

Review Question

Which of the below images is the mostly likely output of the code to the right?

def make_circle(x,y,r):
    c = GOval(x-r, y-r, 2*r, 2*r)
    if randint(1, 100) > 75:
        c.set_color("#F92672") #pink
        c.set_color("#66D9EF") #blue
    return c

gw = GWindow(500, 500)
for i in range(50):

In the Window

  • A common tactic is to store all variables that need to be shared between two or more functions in a state object
  • A state object is just a single object which serves as a storage space for a collection of values
  • The object is created in such a location as to ensure it is in the closure of any functions that need to access its contents
  • We will most often encounter this issue with graphics applications, where we actually already have an object that could serve as a state object
    • The GWindow object (mostly commonly named gw)!

Storage and Retrieval

  • Do you want to store a value in your state object?
    • We can store it as an attribute to the gw object
    • Requires specifying the object name, followed by a dot and then your desired attribute name:
    gw.my_attribute_name = some_cool_value
  • Do you want to retrieve a value from your state object?
    • Just refer to the object and attribute name:


Fixed Line-Drawing

from pgl import GWindow, GLine

WIDTH = 500
HEIGHT = 500

def draw_lines():
    def mousedown_event(e):
        x = e.get_x()
        y = e.get_y()
        gw.line = GLine(x,y,x,y)

    def drag_action(e):
        gw.line.set_end_point(e.get_x(), e.get_y())

    gw = GWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
    gw.line = None
    gw.add_event_listener("mousedown", mousedown_event)
    gw.add_event_listener("drag", drag_action)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Timer Events

  • Previously we looked at how our programs could react to mouse events
  • Can also listen for timer events, which occur after a specific time interval
  • You specify the listener for a timer event in the form of a callback function that is invoked at the end of the time interval
  • Can add animation to our graphics by creating a timer whose callback makes small updates to the graphical objects in the window
    • If the time interval is short enough (usually sub 30 milliseconds), the animations will appear smooth to the human eye

Timer Types

  • PGL supports two kinds of timers:
    • A one-shot timer invokes its callback only once after a specified delay
      • Created with

        gw.set_timeout(function, delay)

        where function is the callback function and delay is the time interval in milliseconds

    • An interval timer invokes its callback function repeatedly at regular intervals
      • Created with

        gw.set_interval(function, delay)
  • Both methods return a GTimer object that identifies the timer, and can be stopped by invoking the .stop() method on that timer

Moving Square

def moving_square():
    def step():
        square.move(dx, dy)
        if square.get_x() > 500:

    gw = GWindow(500, 200)
    dx = 1
    dy = 0
    square = create_filled_rect(12, 100, 24, 24, "red")
    timer = gw.set_interval(step, 20)

Growing Circles

These circles are growing!

Mid-term test

  • Test will take place during the class time 0n Friday.
  • Those with accommodations should already contact the testing center and cc me.
  • Practice questions are posted on this week’s module
  • Basic things to keep in mind:
    • The test contain detailed information to guide on what to expect. Read it carefully
    • The exam is partially open, and thus you are free to utilize:
      • The text
      • Your notes
      • Class slides
      • Any past work you have done as part of sections, problem sets, or projects, provided it has been uploaded, and you access it through GitHub.

Mid-term test

  • You are allowed to use a computer for ease of typing and accessing the above resources,
  • You are prohibited from accessing and using any editor or terminal to run your code.
    • Visual Studio Code or any similar editor should never be open on your computer during this exam.
  • Additionally, you are prohibited from accessing outside internet resources beyond the webpages described above.
  • practice questions (2 at least) will be posted today and Wednesday
    • first practice questions would be sent in PDF
    • second practice questions would be on canvas
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