Interactive Programs

Jed Rembold & Fred Agbo

February 19, 2024


  • Project Wordle is due today at 10 pm.
  • We are in Ch6 of the text this week, which is interactive graphics
  • Remember the 1st midterm exam is this Friday in this hall
    • I will provide more information about the exam at the end of the class this morning
    • Practice question 1 is posted. My version of solution will be out after the class
    • one more practice question will follow with my version of solution.
      • I hope the practice questions helps
    • Those with accommodations with Testing Center should contact them to make arrangement NOW! and cc me in the email
  • Polling continues

Review Question!

What would be the printed value of z at the end of the code to the right?

  1. 19
  2. 25
  3. 27
  4. None of the above
def f(x,y=0):
    z = (x + 3) ** 2
    return y + z

x = 1
z = x + f(y=x,x=2)

The Python Event Model

  • Graphical applications usually make it possible for the user to control the action of a program by using an input device such a mouse.
    • Programs supporting this type of control are called interactive programs.
  • User actions such as clicking the mouse are called events.
  • Programs that respond to events are said to be event driven.
  • User input does not generally occur at predictable times. As the events are not controlled by the program, they are said to be asynchronous.
  • In Python, you write a function that acts as a listener for a particular event type. When the event happens, the listener is called.

First Class Functions

  • Functions in Python are treated as data values just like anything else!
    • We will need to take advantage of this to write listener functions.
  • You can assign a function to a variable, pass it as a parameter, return it as a result, etc
  • Functions treated like any other data value are called first-class functions
  • To work with a function itself, you leave off the (). Including the parentheses is how you call the function!

A First Class Example

import math

def evaluate_numbers(func):

A = evaluate_numbers



Consider the code to the right.

  • Why does the line 12 not error?
    • Nothing named a should still exist when it is called!
  • Python Tutor
  • f2 must also keep track of any local variables!
  • The local variables that are included as part of a function are called its closure
b = 1
def f1(a):

    def f2():
        c = a + b
        return c * 3
    return f2 

f2 = f1(10) 
c = f2()

Our First Interactive Example

  • Consider the simple program below, where we’ve imported the basics and some of our helper functions

    def draw_dots():
        def click_action(event):
            c = create_filled_rect(
                event.get_x(), event.get_y(), 
                10,10, random_color())
        gw = GWindow(500, 500)
        gw.add_event_listener("click", click_action)
  • The click_action function specifies what to do when the mouse is clicked

    • Note that it has access to the gw variable since it is in the enclosing function and thus in the closure.

Registering a Listener

  • The last line of our example function:

    gw.add_event_listener("click", click_action)

    tells the graphics window (gw) to call the click_action function whenever a mouse “click” occurs within the window.

  • When the user clicks the mouse, the graphics window, in essense, calls the client back to let them know that a click has occured. Thus, functions such as click_action are known as callback functions.

  • The parameter event given to the callback function is a special data structure called a mouse event, which contains details about the specifics of the event that triggered the action.

Mouse Events

  • We have a fairly comprehensive list of mouse-events that we can trigger callbacks on:
Name Description
"click" The user clicks the mouse in the window
"dblclick" The user double-clicks the mouse in the window
"mousedown" The user presses the mouse button down
"mouseup" The user releases the mouse button
"mousemove" The user moves the mouse
"drag" The user moves the mouse with the button down

Event Details

  • Certain actions can trigger more than one event
    • Clicking generates a “mousedown”, “mouseup”, and then “click” event, in that order
  • Events trigger no action unless the window is listening for that event
    • If I drag my mouse in the draw_dots() function, you’ll notice that nothing happens
  • You can setup however many listeners you feel you need in order to make your program behave as desired
gw.add_event_listener("click", click_action)
gw.add_event_listener("dblclick", dblclk_action)
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