Which of the provided formatted string options below would evaluate
to appear as:
101,234.98** & 4000
when printed?
f"{101234.984:*<12,.2f} & {3200//8:<4d}"
f"{101234.984:>12,.2f} & {32000//8:0>3d}"
f"{101234.984:<12,f} & {320//8:0>4d}"
f"{101234.984:*<12,.2f} & {32//8:0<4d}"
Nondeterministic Programming
For Wordle, the game is only interesting if the secret word is not
the same every time!
Let’s look at the built-in random
library, which lets us simulate random processes
Programs that involve random processes that cannot be predicted in
advance are said to be nondeterministic
Nondeterministic behavior is essential to many applications.
Many games would not be enjoyable if they behaved the exact same way
every playthrough
Important practical uses in simulations, computer security, and
algorithm research
Important Functions in random
Random Integers
randint(minv, maxv)
Returns an integer between minv and maxv,
Returns an integer from 0 up to but not
including limit
Returns an integer from start up to but
not including limit
Returns a random float between 0 and
uniform(minv, maxv)
Returns a random float between minv and
Returns a random element from
sample(a_list, k)
Returns a list of
k elements from
Randomly reorders the elements of
Random Examples
import random
def random_redblue():
if random.random() > 0.5:
return "red"
return "blue"
def random_color():
color_string = "#"
for i in range(6):
color_string += random.choice("0123456789ABCDEF")
return color
The Worth of a Picture
There comes a time when reading and entering text on a terminal
doesn’t cut it
Maybe you need more complicated input
Maybe you need a more complicated interface that pure text can
Maybe you have output that can not be shown as text
Standard Python really only deals with the terminal interface
Lots of outside libraries give Python more visual input/output
Tkinter ← PGL
The Portable Graphics Library
Built atop Tkinter
The library (pgl.py) is available on the
Canvas website
Put it in the same folder as your code, and then you can import
Operates on the idea of a collage or cork-board
Note that newer objects can obscure older objects. This layering
arrangement is called the stacking order.
The Pieces
At its simplest then, we have two main parts:
The window (or felt-board/cork-board)
Created with the GWindow function
Takes two arguments: a width and a height in pixels
The contents
A wide assortment of shapes and lines that can be added to the
Control over where they are placed, how large they are, what color
they are, etc
We will provide you with a custom data type that will handle all the
graphics and user interaction
Don’t worry, you’ll have a chance to implement your own GUIs later
in the semester!
Your responsibilities will include:
Displaying and reading letters from boxes
Evaluating whether a word is valid
Determining what color each letter of a word should be
Determining when victory or defeat occurs
Your Toolbox
Special functions provided by the provided graphics data type:
These will be well documented, and include, but are not limited to,
things like
Getting or setting a letter in a particular box
Getting or changing the color of a given box
Changing which row is used when characters are entered
Variables and functions
Control statements
Good use of loops and if statements will be very useful
Basic string functions
Receiver Syntax
So far, all operations between or on objects have used symbols to
indicate the operation
The + sign, for instance
Going forward, we will begin to see more examples of operations
on objects that use receiver syntax
In receiver syntax, we specify the object to act on, followed by
a dot and then a predefined function (called a method here)
This is like you are running this special function on the object, so
you need the () at the
Some methods also allow arguments, to influence exactly how the
operation will proceed
An Approach to Success
Each project is accompanied by a highly detailed guide: read
Explains background ideas so that you can understand the big picture
of what you are needing to do
Also included a breakdown of individual milestones
A milestone is a discrete checkpoint that you should ensure
is working (and that you understand!) before moving on
Projects are all about managing complexity. If you start trying to
implement milestones out of order, you are asking for disaster
Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by scale. Focus on one particular
milestone at a time, which should involve focusing only on a small part
of your overall code