Jed Rembold & Fred Agbo
April 8, 2024
Project ImageShop is due today!
Guidelines for Personal Project is posted
On a general note, be concrete and creative about the project.
Consider the program on the right hand side and the structure of the
defined data. What will be printed to the terminal?
course1[CS151]["Jake"]: {'A', 'B', 'C'}
['Jake': {'A', 'B', 'C'}]
Jake {'A', 'C', 'B'}
Sally {'A', 'B', 'B'}
data ={
"CS151": {
"Sally": {"A", "B", "B"},
"Jake": {"B", "A", "B", "C"},
"Ben": {"A", "B", "A", "B"}
"DATA152": {
"James": ["B", "C", "A"],
"Lily": ["A", "A", "B"]
course1 = data["CS151"]
course2 = data["DATA152"]
for std, grade in course1.items():
if len(grade) == len(course2["Lily"]):
print(std, grade)
json.dump(data_object, file_handle)
with open() as fhandle:
syntaxTo read a JSON file into a variable
import json
with open('file.json') as fh:
data = json.load(fh)
To write a variable with complex structure out to a JSON file:
import json
with open('file.json', 'w') as fh:
json.dump(data, fh)
[1, 2, 3,]
is perfectly
fine in Python, but illegal in JSON