Classes Vs Objects

Jed Rembold & Fred Agbo

March 15, 2024


  • Grading of problem sets 4 posted.
  • Problem set 5 is due on Tuesday next week.
  • Midterm 2 is next week Friday 22nd of March
    • More info about the Midterm 2 on Monday next week
  • Guest lecture by Prof. Jed on Wednesday next week
  • Polling:

Review Question

What would be the output of the printed statement in the code to the right?

  1. (1, 'a', 'b')
  2. (1, 'a')
  3. Error: can’t add strings and tuples
  4. Error: index out of range
A = (1, 3, 5)
B = (2*A, ('a', ) )
C = B + ('b', 'c', 'd')
D = tuple()
for v in C[:3]:
    D += v[:1]

Classes vs Objects

  • When we introduced PGL early in the semester, we stressed the difference between types/classes and objects
    • A class is the pattern or template that defines the structure and behavior of values with that particular type (the species of ant)
    • An object is an individual value that belongs to a class (an individual ant)
      • A single class can be used to create any number of objects, each of which is said to be an instance of that class
  • PGL defines the GRect class.
    • In Breakout, you used that class to create many different rectangles, each of which was an instance of the GRect class

Thinking about Objects

image/svg+xml GRect x1,y1,w,h set_color set_fill_color move get_width set_filled client abstractionboundary implementation

An Object’s Purpose

  • Python uses the concepts of objects and classes to achieve at least three different goals:
    • Aggregation. Objects make it possible to represent collections of independent data as a single unit. Such collections are traditionally called records.
    • Encapsulation. Classes make it possible to store data together with the operations that manipulate that data.
      • In Python the data values are called attributes and the operations are called methods
    • Inheritance. Class hierarchies make it possible for a class that shares some attributes and methods with a previously defined class to inherit those definitions without rewriting them all
  • We’ll introduce many of these concepts in this course, but for more exposure and practice you’ll want to take CS 152 (Data Structures)

Classes as Templates

  • Since they share the same attributes, it is natural to regard the two employees at Scrooge and Marley as two instances of the same class
  • Could view the class as a template or empty form:

  • Can help initially to just start with an empty template and then fill in the necessary fields

Starting Empty

  • Class definitions in Python start with a header line consisting of the keyword class and then the class name

  • The body of the class will later contain definitions, but initially can just leave blank

    • Almost. Python does not allow an empty body, so need to include a docstring or use the pass keyword
    class Employee:
      """This class is currently empty!"""
  • Once the class is defined, you can create an object of this class type by calling the class as if it were a function:

    clerk = Employee()

More References

  • Instances of custom Python classes are mutable
  • Thus custom class instances are stored as references to that information in memory
  • Any code with access to this reference can manipulate the object
    • Can get or set the contents of any attributes or create new ones

Objects are references!

Selecting Object Attributes

  • You can select an attribute from an object by writing out the object name, followed by a dot and then the attribute name.

    • As an example

      would select the name attribute for the clerk object

  • Attributes are assignable, so

    clerk.salary *= 2

    would double the clerk’s current salary

  • You can create a new attribute in Python by simply assigning a name and a value, just like you’d define a new variable

Assigning Clerk Attributes

  • We could, for instance, create a clerk in the following fashion:

    def create_clerk():
      clerk = Employee() = "Bob Cratchit"
      clerk.title = "clerk"
      clerk.salary = 15
      return clerk
  • Note that none of these assigned attributes affect the Employee class in any way

More Generally

  • We could accomplish this more generally by passing arguments to our function:

    def create_employee(name, title, salary):
      emp = Employee() = name
      emp.title = title
      emp.salary = salary
      return emp
  • We could then use that as:

    clerk = create_employee('Bob Cratchit', 'clerk', 15)
    boss = create_employee(
              'Ebeneezer Scrooge', 'founder', 1000
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