Definitely Not Photoshop

Jed Rembold & Fred Agbo

April 1, 2024


  • Problem Sets 5 and Midterm #2 grading were posted last week

  • Although the majority did well, I’m considering curving the grades across by 10%

  • Grading of project 1 to be published soon on canvas

    • It appears you’ve got some feedback already.
  • My version of solution to Midterm #1 exam is posted in this week module

  • Feeling that things are not going as expected and need to discuss?

    • Please come and see me to discuss.
    • From my assessment, almost everyone turning in assignments are doing okay
  • Project #3 ImageShop is posted and is due next week Monday 8th Apr at 10pm

  • Polling:

Review Question

What would be the output of the printed statement in the code to the right?

  1. Loly black 2
  2. Loly, brown, 3
  3. Loly, black, 4
  4. Loly, brown, 4
class Pet:
    def __init__(self, name, color, age): = name
        self.age = age

    def bmi(self, weight, height):
        if weight/height > 2:
            self.age = self.age*2
            self.age += 1
dog = Pet("Loly", "brown", 2)
print(f'{}, {dog.color}, {dog.age}')

Introducing ImageShop

  • While you are refreshed from spring break, the next project is starting today and will be due next week Monday
  • Taking a moment today to introduce Imageshop, and the guide is already posted


Starting view of ImageShop
  • ImageShop initially has only two buttons
    • “Load” will bring up a file selection box where you can chose what image to display
      • Internally, this is handled by a function that returns the chosen file path
    • “Flip Vertical” is the example feature button that flips an image vertically

Big Picture

  • Each milestone in ImageShop boils down to:
    • Adding a button to the window to handle a new feature
    • Writing a simple callback function that sets the new image to be equal to the output of a new function you’ll write
    • Writing that function, which will return a GImage type object
  • You are always free to write whatever other helper functions you might like!
  • ImageShop is the first project to start leveraging multi-file layouts:
    • Some functions will already be provided in that you can import into your main program
    • You are encouraged to write the necessary functions for Milestone 5 in their own file and import them in accordingly
    • To avoid scrolling madly around trying to find the code you want, this helps with that!


  • To help facilitate working with buttons, ImageShop introduces a new type called GButton
  • Each GButton gets a label and a callback function name that determines what function is called when that button is clicked
  • ImageShop will come with a pre-defined add_button function which will take care of adding a new button to the correct part of the screen.
    • You’ll just need to provide it a label and function name to callback to

The Current Image

  • ImageShop holds the GImage currently displayed on the window in a variable called gw.current_image
  • The variable is specifically added as an attribute to gw so that you will have access to it in any callback function you write
  • This will generally be the input to your manipulation functions, since most work with whatever image was currently displayed on the screen
  • Your callback function will run set_image on the output of your manipulation function, which will take care of updating the value of gw.current_image

Milestone 1

  • Milestone 1 has you adding a “Flip Horizontal” button
    • Add the button
    • Add the action callback function
    • Write a function to manipulate the pixels to flip the image horizontally
  • Slightly more complicated than the example function, but not much

Milestone 2

  • Here you will add buttons to rotate the image left or right (or CW or CCW if you prefer)
  • Most of the difficulty comes in keeping track of rows and columns
    • Need to create a new list of lists of the correct dimensions
    • Need to copy over the pixels from the original to the needed location in the new list

Milestone 3

  • Here you’ll add a button to convert an image to grayscale
  • If you understand the other library files that have been given to you as part of the project, this project should be the simplest!

Milestone 4

  • Here you get to enable a green screen effect!
  • Unlike other buttons, when this one is clicked, you should use the file chooser library to prompt the user to select another image
    • This is the image that will be overlaid on whatever image is currently shown on the screen
  • You will want to start with an “empty” pixel array with the same dimensions as the background
  • Depending on how “green” a pixel is, you will choose between different choices:
    • If green enough, you will copy the pixel from the background image to your pixel array
    • If not green enough, you will copy the pixel from the foreground image to your pixel array

Milestone 5

  • Here you’ll implement one algorithm for increasing dynamic contrast across an image!
  • Doing so requires several steps and different functions. It can be convenient to place these in their own file and import them into as needed.
    • Compute all the pixel luminosities
    • Construct a histogram of these luminosity counts
      • Your histogram should have 256 elements, one for each possible luminosity
    • Construct a cumulative histogram using your histogram
    • Use the cumulative histogram to adjust the luminosity of each pixel in the pixel array
  • You don’t need to display the visual histograms! But they can be a great way to check that you are doing the other parts correctly.
    • Related to Problem 2 on this week’s PS


  • Give yourself time for extensions on this project!
  • They are easy! Just come up with interesting or cool graphical effects and add a button for them!
  • You’ll look at several this week in your section meetings
    • Adding these in your project is encouraged and will be regarded as “sub-extensions”, but come up with your own as well!

Maps and Dictionaries

  • A common form of information associates pairs of data values
    • Commonly called a map in computer science
    • Python calls such a structure a dictionary
  • A dictionary associates two different values:
    • A simple value called the key, which is often a string but doesn’t need to be
    • A larger and more complex object called the value
  • This idea of associating pairs of values is exhibited all over in the real world
    • Actual dictionaries! The words are the keys, the definitions the values.
    • Web addresses! Keys are the urls, the values are the webpage contents.

Creating Dictionaries

  • Python dictionaries use squiggly brackets {} to enclose their contents

  • Can create an empty dictionary by providing no key-value pairs:

    empty_dict = {}
  • If creating a dictionary with key-value pairs

    • Keys are separated from values with a colon :
    • Pairs are separated by a comma ,
    generic_dict = {'Bob': 21, 0: False, 13: 'Thirteen'}
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