
Welcome to my website

Fred Agbo, PhD (he/him)
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Willamette University, Salem OR, 97301, USA
fjagbo at willamette.edu


    Fred Agbo joined the School of Computing and Information Science, Willamette University in 2023 as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science. Before joining Willamette University, he worked as a University Lecturer at the School of Computing, University of Eastern Finland (UEF) in Joensuu, Finland. Fred completed his PhD degree from the same University of Eastern Finland in 2022, specializing in computing education and educational technology.


  • PhD in Computer Science, University of Eastern Finland - 2022
  • MSc in Computer Science, University of Ilorin - 2017
  • BSc in Computer Science, University of Jos - 2013

My Research Interest


Publications (See link below)

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